V2G: the double impact of Mobilize Power two-way charge

Does Mobilize Power, V2G or Vehicle to Grid ring a bell? It’s an innovative bidirectional electric vehicle charging service that allows you to charge your car’s battery at home with clean energy, at the best possible rate, and then feed part of it back into the grid at peak times. This means great savings with the Mobilize electricity contract, while relieving the strain on the grid with carbon-free electricity. It’s a bit like the double impact of V2G technology.

  • electric vehicle
  • energy transition

how does V2G work?

Imagine yourself at the wheel of your new Renault 5 E-Tech electric, the first car in a long series to be compatible with the Mobilize Power V2G two-way charge service…

You calmly drive back home; you plug your Renault 5 into your Mobilize Powerbox charging point; you enter your next departure time and the level of charge you want on your smartphone application. And that’s it.

Now the Mobilize V2G double impact begins.

electric vehicle charging – a source of savings

The first impact is both very clever and very intelligent. 

Very clever because, as part of your contract, Mobilize supplies your car and your home with carbon-neutral energy, with the guarantee of halving the cost of recharging at home.  

Very intelligent because your car and your Mobilize Powerbox charging point are bidirectional. 

Without your battery ever falling below the minimum charge level you set, it allows the stored electricity to be fed back into your home and into the electricity grid, when there is a high demand for electricity. Mobilize resells this electricity at the best possible time, a good way of reducing your overall bill 

This automatic “gesture” therefore earns you money.  

when charging your car develops green electricity

This automatic “gesture” is also good for the planet. 

This is the second Mobilize V2G impact, which is even cleverer and even more intelligent. 

Even cleverer because the electricity fed back into the grid is carbon-free. You’re relieving the grid with clean energy. 

Even more intelligent, because on the scale of a single car, this gesture is already significant: even more effective than switching off the lights at home or turning down your radiators by 1 degree. 

On the scale of 30,000 vehicles, you get the power of a medium-sized thermal power station. 

By 2035, tens of millions of electric vehicles will be on the road in Europe. A huge potential energy reserve! With V2G, the electric car becomes an opportunity for the electricity grid. 

Turning your own electric car into an energy reserve is possible…  

Mobilize Power is all about simplicity, prioritising your need for mobility at all times. The double impact is clear: you save money and the planet thanks you!

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